Sunday, September 7, 2008

Murder Mystery Dinner

This fun-filled, interactive, murder mystery includes dinner as well as the performance. You will have the chance to win prizes and decide who did what to whom! "Murder by Mischance" is the mystery this year presented by Billy Eakes and the Murder Mystery Players. Synopsis: Good looks can result in several girlfriends, even more enemies and a few death threats. Phil Rossiter is a very good-looking man...with such good looks it would be easy to forgive him for his faults. Come out and get the rest of the mystery and win the prize!

Friday, October 10 in Cribari Auditorium beginning at 5:30pm with no-host cocktails followed by dinner at 6:15pm. The best part of the deal is fun and a great dinner for only $46 per person. Make your reservations at Building B.

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